The old New York subway token had a legend engraved on one side. It said “Good only for one ride!” Life reflects that subway token. This present experience is good for one ride. All you have is life and time until you move into another existence.
Life is hard said Scott M Peck. Yes it is, but it’s also easy because we were wired to LIVE; but few live a life of abundance and joy. As Tevye sang in Fiddler on the roof “to life, to life, L’chayim!”
My passion is help you discover joy in your life by bringing daily alignment with your values, passions, purpose and principles. Your Mission and Vision for your life are vital to keep you moving forward. I would love to help youreflect on your life, and clarify your purpose, mission and vision. I have helped many and the testimonials speak for themselves. My desire is to help you find true alignment in those areas, so that you reflect a life of joy and become the “change you want to see in the world!”