A Legacy of Learning
The Birkman Method® is based on Dr. Roger Birkman’s original research and insights. Over time, The Birkman Method® has developed into a personality assessment that integrates high fidelity descriptions and unique problem solving insights. Dr. Birkman’s legacy is an assessment that has broad applicability and which can make a meaningful difference within organizations and in people’s lives.
Redefining the Concept of Self
The Birkman Method® questionnaire consists in part of 125 True/False questions about self and 125 True/False questions about most people. Through a process of regression and factor analysis, The Birkman Method® identifies a person’s everyday interpersonal style, underlying motivations, expectations and the signs of stress behavior.
Career Interests and Motivational Factors
Interests are powerful magnets and serve as primary drivers to behavioral and occupational preferences. They are measured by asking the respondent to select occupations from a list based on the premise that all the jobs pay equally and talent/skills are not an issue. There are 48 multiple choice questions in this section.
An Integrated Instrument
The single questionnaire (298 items total) combines behaviors and interests. Birkman measures a breadth and depth of information that typically requires several instruments.
Empirically Driven
The Birkman was created using normal working populations of people in a business or industrial setting. The questionnaire underwent seven revisions throughout the creation process, with each revision administered to more than 1,000 subjects from new population groups each time. Our test-retest reliabilities average .78, indicating internal consistency of scales. Birkman has a database of over 3 million responses, and we have been able to examine career fit for a large number of occupations.